Weird Psychic Medium Turned Ghost Hunter Changes Facebook Page Name Amid Negative Publicity

A strange one, in Mid-Life despair...



5/10/20235 min read

a man with a beard and a microphone
a man with a beard and a microphone

Weird Psychic Medium Turned Ghost Hunter Changes Facebook Name Amid Negative Publicity

A psychic fraud who had tried to tap into the paranormal for personal gain, has changed his Facebook Page name after receiving negative publicity.

The man (The Myth) John Harris, from the Nottinghamshire area, had previously operated as a psychic medium under the name "John Sixthsense" he had claimed to have the ability to communicate with the dead and provide insights for their loved ones left in grief. However, his claims were widely disputed and over time, he was unable to substantiate them.

He then rebranded on Facebook into "Where Spirit Meets Science" around 2013, which in itself is quite the contradiction, but alas, we digress.

For a few years he continued to shout at objects in the dark and grew his team around him, one such team member was dismissed for being a publicly raving twitter sex fiend and in John Sixthsense's own words... "You know why we got rid of Ian??? Because he was chatting to kids, that's why!"

It only took John Sixthsense a few years to realise his team member had an illegally weird fetish, (given that it was all publicly blasted on twitter) much longer than it took a team of investigators anyway... So much for the "born with mediumship powers" type bloating.

He was also called out as a Walter Mitty for walting and bloating about being a Close Protection Officer in Algeria, Iraq and Afghanistan. A well respected and longstanding Walter Mitty Hunters Club called "The Walter Mitty Hunters Club HQ" or "TWMHCHQ" for short, had exposed this giant fairy tale walt in June 2022. Upon speaking to members of his old workforce, finding his C.V online, going over his LinkedIn and speaking with close family around the time of "2007, 2008, 2009, was it? Or was it 8, 9, 10? CAN'T REMEMBER!!!" - That was a direct quote of John Sixthsense trying to remember dates of his CPO days. So memorable...

Yawn... (TWMHCHQ confirmed he went to Algeria, but only as a Computer Techy, NOT a CPO. And only for 2 weeks with a company called Nexstor. He invented the rest to look all hard and to impress the strange women [and men] who become all moist when he bloats total bollocks.)

TWMHCHQ also had plenty of additional evidence (in video form) that was downloaded way in advance of their exposure and good thing they did, as with all Walter Mitty's, they go on a major backtracking and deleting spree. If there was nothing to hide, and it's the truth, why delete it?

Some key quotes from 'John Sixthsense' that smelled of bloated Walt.

  1. "The British Army have stepped in and are paying for all my psychiatric counselling, from what's called SAFF (SSAFA) , av you eva erd of SAFFY anyone?" -Major Red Flag-

  2. "They called up me and JoJo and asked for my service number, even though I wasn't a soldier I still had what's called a Service number. They (SSAFA) referenced it against who I was working with and now they're funding it." -Major Red Flag-

  3. "They give you a hand gun, I've never F##king fired a gun in my life" -Major Red Flag-

  4. "See what company forwarded that to the daily mail, does it say Uplift (AFI Uplift) by any chance, does it say anything about uplift!" -Major Red Flag-

John Sixthsense looking for meaning...

The Science of the Spirit is no more...

Sixthsense's new page name "Our Paranormal Journey"

You maybe thinking "Well where's the medals? Where's the stolen valor?" Listen, Walter Mittys, or individuals who fabricate stories or exaggerate their experiences, for personal, spiritual or financial gain, pose a significant danger in many areas of life. In the charity world, for example, they can damage the reputation of organizations and divert resources away from those in need. It's important for the public to be vigilant and verify the credentials and experiences of those in positions of trust to prevent the long-term harm that can be caused by Walts and Bloaters. We have seen this recently with a Chris Webber (A Mega Walt) claiming housing from a Veterans charity, who sat and met with Rishi Sunak the British Prime Minister. As for the Sixthsense Case, it was more about calling out his copious lies and frauds, awakening the public to his deceit. His CPO claims are unverifiable, they are completely bogus. He was never trained as a Close Protection Officer, he was however trained as a Computer Programming Operative, so, maybe there's a small Close Connection.

Anyway, moving on with the name change.

In a move that many see as an attempt to distance himself from his failed past, the man has now rebranded himself as a live ghost hunter and pre-recording super editor operating under the name "Our Paranormal Journey". He claims to specialize in investigating haunted locations and communicating with spirits, but has faced scepticism from the public.

Critics have pointed out that the man's previous failure as a psychic medium raises questions about his abilities as a ghost hunter, and have accused him of simply trying to cash in on the growing popularity of paranormal investigation. The man has denied these claims, stating that he has a genuine interest in the paranormal and is committed to providing quality services to his clients, which includes (but not limited to) charging £9.99 for an online 'Pay Per View' ticket for a location that is completely free for his entire team. "F##king Disgusting..."

Despite his efforts to rebrand himself, the man has reportedly struggled to attract new victims (all his old victims are blocked) and has faced ongoing criticism from those who question his abilities, he calls these people Trolls or summat...? Some have suggested that the negative publicity surrounding his previous Facebook name has damaged his reputation beyond repair.

Like REALLY beyond repair...

The man has yet to comment on the future of his paranormal endeavour, but it remains to be seen whether his new venture as a pre-recorded/part time 'live' ghost hunter will be more successful than his previous foray into the paranormal.

Time will tell, but one thing we know for sure, more and more people are waking up. The brush fires have only just begun.
